Erin MaherComment

I'm going to admit this and most likely get a ton of shit for it, but I have never been a Springsteen fan - like at all!!  I know I know, you're thinking there is something wrong with me .... but I just can't help it!  I've always just felt like I was supposed to like him because it's what you do when you are a huge music nerd.  The years I spent defending my opinion about ol' Bruce working in record stores as a teen and in college, through my major/indie marketing & A&R jobs at labels, on the road debates tour managing bands - this discussion comes up and I am always shunned!!  The Boss just never did it for me, which I think is perfectly OK - because you know who does do it for me??  Du Tonc!

So, now my worlds are colliding - Du Tonc is covering "I'm On Fire" by Bruce Springsteen and I am not mad about it ..... no judgement!!  I have been obsessed with everything Du Tonc for the whole of 2013 - and as I should, they are AMAZING!!  When you put UK producer and DJ Mighty Mouse and Australian electro pop singer Matt Van Schie (from Van She) together, what else could you expect besides greatness??  You can grab this track as a free download kids!!  Get some!!