Zoolander Remix


Music, RemixErin MaherComment

1DAFUL has come into my life though my relationship with their management!  See, the Apex boys are my boyfriends, which mean all their artists by default are also my boyfriends - funny how it works that way but it just does, I can't help it ..... I'm their trap kween. I'm like an honorary member of the squad, even tho I live in California and I'm a girl - but that's how I roll. Everything about 1DAFUL pretty much sums up my relationship status with Apex Management -  solid structure of heavy bass dance vibes with an abundance of low end, funky melodies to shake that booaty, loads of not taking things too seriously, pure comedy with one million laughs, and more love than you can imagine. They just dropped this rework of "Relax" that is kinda everything right now ... everything!! I heard a rumor that TB1 is going to be in my hood this weekend to hit up our Prince Fox x SteLouse show and I am pretty damn excited  about that tbh! Grab this track as a free download HERE